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Shabby Chic Dining Room

Are you like me ?
Just LOOOOVE this White Classic Shabby Chic Style
yes I call it Classic Shabby Chic Style because I think there is differences
in the Shabby Style.
Like -take these t different images  I presents, all of them goes under the same seach Shabby Chic Dining Room.
The *mother* of Shabby Chic- Dining Room at Raschel Aswell

This two pictures below are more like kitchen dining rooms..but 
I think they show the different quit well , Imagine these furniture where still in their original paint..
what would you call them?
Country Style?..
..but since they are painted White, they called Shabby Chic.

What is Shabby Chic ?
  • Well, if you like Bold primary colors Shabby Chic is NOT for you .
    And..Shabby Chic does NOT mean you can have more dirty around you.
    Nor is the age of the furniture that is importent , it is the way their appearance.

    Shabby Chic is no particular a STYLE ,but ratcher balances elegant things with old and worn,shiny silver accessories with painted wooden furniture.

How to make the look.

1, White painted furniture
Collect pieces from flea markets, garage sales, and the attic. Spray with the white paint,sand off the corners and rough it up a little. Voila- You have Shabby Chic
2,Soft delicate color
Softwhite, muted grey,pale pink and faded green ,all have a place in a Shabby Chic Interior Home. 
3, Tea stained fabrics
To give the illusion of age, collect fabrics made to look old if you dont have a grandmothers place to find some treasures
4,Combine pattern & Colors
Keep the background color the same (white,ivory,grey etc) and combinde stripes,floral and checks so create a warm and inviting look. Then choose One color to repeat in almost every farics, such as a soft green or pale pink.

Picture no one Classic Dining Room with light blue painted walls from Not to Shabby,
Picture no two  from this lovely blog picture no 3 from this BLOG, the beautiful home of rashell aswell diningroom from shabbychic home blog. No 5 martha stewart interior via blog 
No 6 kitchen dining table via this blog, picture no 7 shabby chic dining table and two shars via blog
and finally oicture No 9 the sbhabby shabby chic small table and white rug via blog
Scandinavian webbshop www.stilrummet.se


  1. Framgångsbyran19 May 2011 at 11:32

    Jag vill ha!!!
    Kram inger

  2. Classic Style Blog19 May 2011 at 13:46

    ja det är snygga rum :)) gillar stolarna i 1an och tvåan

  3. Tingeltangel19 May 2011 at 22:19

    Vackra miljöer! Jag tycker inte allt shabby chic är så värst chic men detta var fint. Klassiskt shabby chic var ett bra uttryck för att visa skillnaden.

  4. Classic Style Blog19 May 2011 at 22:44

    tack tingeling, det var så bra utryck så inlägget även figurerar i australien :)) kul ! kram kram

  5. Lisa19 May 2011 at 22:55

    Bra tolkningar,,man undrar ju ibland VAD är shabby..för det känns om allt är tillåtet ibland..men njeet tack för info /lisa

  6. My Shabby Streamside Studio19 May 2011 at 23:42

    Very good post - you nailed it!

    C’est tres jolie!
    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog!

  7. Bringing Pretty Back20 May 2011 at 04:39

    Be still my heart!!!!
    HEAVEN, you nailed it!
    Have a pretty day!

  8. Tania - Grange de Charme20 May 2011 at 11:05

    Beautifl post, I love Shabby !
    Have a lovely day !

  9. Lev Ditt Liv4 June 2011 at 08:04

    Vackert...en blandning av romantik och doft av varm kärlek....

    Ha en skön Lördag vännen....

  10. Lumen Light Living2 October 2014 at 22:11

    I like the examples of shabby chic that you have used here. it is explained well for anyone who wants to go shopping for furniture and wants to get the look. I like that you also explained that several muted shades can be used, including green and grey. Ideal for people who have small children.

  11. rachel5 March 2015 at 20:42

    i like the shabby chic concept. I don't like bold colors as well. Most of the furniture is my house is white in color. Is shabby chic a familiar concept in furniture industry?

  12. Anonymous16 April 2015 at 08:41

    Shabby chic has been around forever its the Simplicity with a splash of soft color we are going back too.
    Think of the times in the past for many it was to get by and it worked then and it works now. However it's a simple but romantic clean softness with sturdy wood, real wood, furniture (or greatly impersonated) and appreciated more and more. The world can be so very busy so it's easy to say when you are in you on place or space you enjoy the tranquil clean brightness with your very on hand picked colors to accent...enjoy because again it is timeless:) Well that's one of the ways I can see it best:) thank you Belleshoneysuckles

  13. Patricia N.16 April 2015 at 09:32

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Patricia N.16 April 2015 at 09:35

      From anonymous me above (a bit of email mistake) I can not believe I just have spotted this page beautiful Thank you


Thank you for your sweet comment. I wish you a marvelous day//Marie

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